Author: Noah

  • “I’m glad I did this before I die”

    “I’m glad I did this before I die,” I find myself thinking every so often when I realize I’ve done something meaningful. These moments may seem small, but they are profound reminders that life is fleeting and death could be just around the corner. This moment of reflection helps me appreciate the ability to do…

  • The hidden value in loss

    Losing something big carves out a space inside me. This isn’t just emptiness; it’s room for something new. When I lose, I’m freed up to move and grow. The challenge lies in resisting the temptation to fill this space with the familiar. Instead, seek out the new and unexpected. Why? Because everything in my life…

  • What’s my name

    The idea of leaving my birthplace unleashed an unexpected freedom within me, transforming my perspective on identity. It felt like facing a blank canvas, free to choose any color or stroke. Suddenly, the elements defining me—my name, my heritage—felt like choices rather than givens. This realization opened a world of possibilities, challenging me to think…